Why aren't my campaign emails being delivered to participants?

There are two requirements in order for your participants to receive the emails you configured in your campaign.

If these requirements are not met, then your participants will not receive any emails.

1. You must add required sender and contact information

Your LoyaltySurf campaign must have the required sender and contact information. You can add these details in Campaign Editor > 3. Emails > Email Settings.

2. You must request that your LoyaltySurf account be verified

Your LoyaltySurf account must first be verified by our team through a manual approval process. This is necessary as an anti-spam measure.

Please contact support to request account verification. Or log in to your LoyaltySurf admin dashboard and reach out to us using the support widget on the bottom-right of the screen.

Please note, the verification process can take anywhere from 1-3 business days (though it is common for us to verify within the same day). We may also request additional information about your business and use-case upon on followup.

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