How can I personalize emails sent to participants?

LoyaltySurf lets you use dynamic text to help you create emails that are personalized to each email recipient, in order to improve open and click rates.

Variables (Basic)

Use variables to generate dynamic text.

Variable Description Example
{{email}} Participant's email [email protected]
{{firstName}} Participant's first name Emily
{{lastName}} Participant's last name Smith
{{rank}} Participant's rank 3
{{participantId}} Participant's ID x87aD
{{loyaltyActions}} Participant's loyalty count in total 9
{{monthlyLoyaltyActions}} Participant's loyalty action count this month 2
{{rewardFormSubmissionFields}} The form fields and answers that the participant submitted to unlock a reward
  • linkedInPostUrl:
  • {{rewardDescription}} The description of the reward that the participant has either submitted the form for or unlocked most recently

    Make a LinkedIn post mentioning Pied Piper

    {{rewardCta}} The CTA of the reward that the participant has either submitted the form for or unlocked most recently

    Get $25

    {{rewardWonCoupon}} The coupon code of the most-recent reward that the participant has won

    NOTE: If you have a third-party integration enabled like Stripe Coupons then {{rewardWon}} will be overwritten with the value of the unique coupon code.
    {{campaignRewards}} A list of all rewards in the campaign
    • Upload a file and get +1 free trial day
    • Invite a team member and get +1 free trial day

    For example:

    Hi {{firstName}},

    if the participant’s first name is  Emily, the results will look like this:

    Hi Emily,

    Fallbacks (Basic)

    LoyaltySurf parses dynamic text as JavaScript. Use fallbacks in case a variable doesn’t have a value.

    For example:

    Hi {{firstName || 'Friend'}},

    if the participant’s first name is  Emily, the results will look like this:

    Hi Emily,

    if the participant does not have a first name, the results will look like this:

    Hi Friend,

    Conditionals (Advanced)

    Since LoyaltySurf parses dynamic text as JavaScript, that means you can use conditional expressions to display different text based on different scenarios.

    For example:

    Did you know that {{ loyaltyActions >= 1 ? "you’re doing an awesome job!" : "you can invite a team member to get +1 free trial day" }}!

    If the participant has 1 or more loyalty actions, the results will look like this:

    Did you know that you're doing an awesome job!

    If the participant has less than 1 loyalty action, the results will look like this:

    Did you know that you can invite a team member to get +1 free trial day!

    New Participant Reward Emails

    Display different text based on the reward won:

    You can use the {{rewardDescription}}  conditional in the following manner:

    1. Go to Campaign Editor > 1. Rewards and copy the description of each reward (to be used in next step)
    2. Go to Campaign Editor > 2. Emails, and edit the New Participant Reward email. Here is an example:

    {{rewardDescription === 'Upload a file and get +1 free trial day' ? 'You just earned +1 free trial day from uploading a file!' : ''}}

    {{rewardDescription === 'Invite a team member and get +1 free trial day' ? 'You just earned +1 free trial day from inviting a team member!' : ''}}

    This will either show up like this:

    You just earned +1 free trial day from uploading a file!

    Or like this:

    You just earned +1 free trial day from inviting a team member!

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